Insurance and Risk Management Terms
- A201 Construction Contract
- abandonment
- abatement
- absolute pollution exclusion
- absorbed dose
- accept
- accident
- accidental death
- accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D)
- accidental means
- accident year data
- accident year experience
- accommodation line
- accountants professional liability insurance
- account current
- accounts receivable coverage
- accreditation
- Accredited Adviser in Insurance (AAI)
- accumulation
- accumulation period
- acquisition costs
- action levels
- action versus the insurer provision
- active retention
- activity standards
- act of God
- actual cash value (ACV)
- actuarial report
- actuary
- acute exposure
- acute toxicity
- AD&D
- additional expense coverage
- additional insured
- additional insured endorsement
- additional living expense (ALE) coverage
- additional medical
- additional named insured
- add-on control device
- “add-on” no-fault laws
- adhesive contract
- adjustable feature
- adjusted earnings
- adjusted net worth
- adjuster
- administrative law
- administrative order
- administrative order on consent
- administrative services only (ASO)
- administrator
- admiralty law
- admitted assets
- admitted/authorized reinsurance
- admitted company
- admitted insurer
- admitted reinsurer
- advanced wastewater treatment
- advance loss of profit (ALOP) insurance
- advancement of defense costs provision
- adverse selection
- advertisement
- advertising injury
- advisory endorsement
- A&E
- aerobic treatment
- affiliated companies
- affiliated risk
- affinity sales
- affirmative defense
- afterburner
- aftermarket parts
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967
- agency
- agency agreement
- agency captive
- agency construction management
- agency plant
- agency system
- agent
- agent of record
- agent’s errors and omissions
- agent’s license
- aggravation
- aggregate
- aggregate deductible
- aggregate excess insurance
- aggregate excess of loss reinsurance
- aggregate limit of liability
- aggregate limits reinstatement
- aggregate stop-loss reinsurance
- agreed amount clause
- agreed value coverage option or provision
- agreement not to rely on governmental immunity
- airborne particulates
- air quality control region
- air quality standards
- air stripping
- air toxins
- aleatory contract
- alienated premises
- alien insurer
- allegations
- allied healthcare professional liability insurance
- allocated expenses
- allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE)
- allocated loss expense
- allocation
- all risks coverage
- all risks, difference-in-conditions (builders risk)
- all risks, ground and flight
- all risks, not in motion
- alternate employer endorsement
- alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
- alternative dispute resolution provision
- alternative market
- alternative minimum tax (AMT)
- alternative remedial contract strategy contractors
- alternative risk financing facilities
- alternative risk financing mechanism
- alternative risk transfer (ART) market
- A.M. Best rating
- amendment of “insured contract” definition endorsement
- AMERCO v. Commissioner
- American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS)
- American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, Inc. (AICPCU)
- American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
- amount at risk
- amount subject
- analytic risk modeling method
- animal mortality insurance
- anniversary date
- anniversary rating date
- annual aggregate deductible
- annual statement
- annuitant
- annuity
- annuity certain
- annuity due
- answer
- anti-concurrent cause (ACC) provision
- anti-indemnity statute
- anti-stacking provisions
- anti-theft device
- antitrust liability
- apparent agency
- appeal
- application
- application of retention
- apportionment
- appraisal clause
- appraisers errors and omissions
- approval
- “A” rates
- arbitration
- arbitration clause
- architects and engineers (A&E) liability coverage
- asbestos
- asbestos abatement
- asbestos containing material (ACM)
- asbestos program manager
- assessment company (society or insurer)
- asset allocation
- asset class
- asset risk
- asset share value
- assigned risk plan
- assignee
- assignment
- associate
- Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
- Associate in Automation Management (AAM)
- Associate in Claims (AIC)
- Associate in Fidelity and Surety Bonding (AFSB)
- Associate in Information Technology (AIT)
- Associate in Insurance Accounting and Finance (AIAF)
- Associate in Insurance Services (AIS)
- Associate in Loss Control Management (ALCM)
- Associate in Management (AIM)
- Associate in Marine Insurance Management (AMIM)
- Associate in Personal Insurance (API)
- Associate in Premium Auditing (APA)
- Associate in Reinsurance (ARe)
- Associate in Research and Planning (ARP)
- Associate in Risk Management (ARM)
- Associate in Surplus Lines Insurance (ASLI)
- Associate in Underwriting (AU)
- Associateship of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII)
- associational discrimination
- association captive
- association group
- Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA)
- association professional liability insurance
- assume
- assumed liability
- assumed premiums
- assumed reinsurance
- assumption
- assumption endorsement
- assumption of liability agreement
- assumption of liability endorsement (ALE)
- assumption of risk
- assumption of risk doctrine
- assurance
- at-risk construction management
- attachment basis
- attachment point
- attained age
- attorney/client communication
- attorney work product
- attractive nuisance doctrine
- auction rate security (ARS)
- audit
- authorized non-admitted reinsurer
- auto
- auto coverage symbols
- auto loan/lease gap coverage
- automatic additional insured endorsement
- automatic increase in insurance provision
- automatic insureds
- automatic premium loan
- automatic treaty
- automobile
- Automobile Claim Law Associate (ACLA)
- Automobile Claim Law Specialist (ACLS)
- automobile liability excess indemnity
- automobile liability insurance
- automobile physical damage insurance
- average basis
- average rate
- average severity
- average weekly wage (AWW)
- aviation accident insurance
- aviation hazard
- avoidance
- awareness provisions
- back-dated liability insurance
- back pay
- back-to-back deductible
- bad faith
- bailee
- bailee coverage
- balance
- balance billing
- bancassurance
- bank
- bank assurance
- bankers professional liability (BPL) insurance
- bankruptcy condition
- bareboat charter
- bare walls coverage
- barratry
- Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
- base premium
- basic causes of loss form (ISO)
- basic extended reporting period (BERP)
- basic limits
- basic premium
- basic premium factor
- basic rate
- basis point(s)
- basis risk
- basket aggregate
- basket deductible
- basket retention
- batch clause
- beauty contest
- below-target-risk (BTR)
- benchmarking
- bench-scale tests
- bench trial
- beneficiary
- benefits
- benefits payable exclusion
- best available control measures (BACM)
- best demonstrated available technology (BDAT)
- Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR)
- Best’s Rating
- betterment clause
- bid bond
- bid deducts
- bifurcation
- bilateral extended reporting period provision
- bill of lading
- binder
- bingo card program
- bingo stamp
- biological magnification
- biomechanical analysis
- bioremediation
- Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
- Black Lung Benefits Act
- blackmail settlement clause
- blackout period
- blanket additional insured endorsement
- blanket contractual liability insurance
- blanket fidelity bond
- blanket group boiler and machinery coverage
- blanket limit
- blanket medical expense
- blanket policy
- blanket position bond
- blended finite risk
- blended risk
- blowout and cratering
- blowout prevention warranty
- Blue Book
- blue plan
- board committees
- boards and bureaus
- boatowners policy
- bobtail
- bobtail liability
- bodily injury
- bodily injury by accident limit (workers compensation)
- bodily injury by disease, each employee (workers compensation)
- bodily injury by disease—policy limit (workers compensation)
- boiler and machinery insurance
- bond
- bonding
- book value
- boom coverage
- bordereau
- borderline risk
- Bornhuetter-Ferguson technique
- borrowed servant rule
- boutique law firm
- branch profits tax
- brand equity
- brand rehabilitation
- brands and labels endorsement
- breach
- breach of contract
- breach of warranty clause
- break point
- British business interruption coverage
- broadcasters liability
- broad causes of loss form (ISO)
- broad evidence rule
- broad form comprehensive general liability (BFCGL) endorsement
- broad form contractual liability insurance
- broad form drive other car coverage
- broad form hold harmless clause
- broad form named insured endorsement
- broad form pollution exclusion
- broad form property damage (BFPD)
- broker
- brokerage department
- brokerage market
- brother-sister relationship
- Brownfield
- Brownian motion
- buffer layer
- builders risk policy
- building and personal property coverage form (ISO)
- building codes effectiveness grading schedule (BCEGS)
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- building ordinance coverage
- building rate
- bulk reserves
- bullying
- bumbershoot
- burden of proof
- burglary
- burning cost
- business auto policy
- business continuity management (BCM)
- business income coverage
- business income worksheet
- business interruption coverage
- business interruption worksheet
- business judgment rule
- business legal expense insurance
- business risk
- businessowners policy (BOP)
- business use class
- buyback deductible
- buyers’ market
- buyout settlement clause
- buy/sell agreement
- Cable Communications Policy Act (CPPA)
- calendar year experience
- cancelable
- cancel and rewrite
- cancellation
- C and F
- candidate analysis
- cap
- capacity
- capital
- capital adequacy
- capital allocation
- Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- capital at risk
- capital attribution
- capital markets
- capital stock
- capital stock company
- capital structure
- capital sum
- capitated fee
- captain of the ship doctrine
- captive
- captive facility
- Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA)
- captive management company
- captive value added (CVA)
- care, custody, or control (CCC)
- cargo insurance
- Carmack Amendment
- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA)
- carrier
- carryover provision
- case management
- case reserve
- case reserves cash flow plans
- cash balance pension plans
- cash call
- cash flow program
- cash flow return on investments (CFROI)
- cash flow underwriting
- cash refund annuity
- cash surrender value
- Casualty Claim Law Associate (CCLA)
- Casualty Claim Law Specialist (CCLS)
- casualty insurance
- catastrophe
- catastrophe bond
- catastrophe equity put
- catastrophe plan
- catastrophe policy
- catastrophe reinsurance
- catastrophe reserves
- catastrophic loss
- causes of loss
- causes of loss forms (ISO)
- cedant
- cede
- ceded premiums
- ceding commission
- ceding company
- cell captive
- central collection point
- central tendency
- certificate holder
- certificate of compliance
- certificate of insurance
- certificate of reinsurance
- certified act of terrorism
- Certified Risk Manager (CRM)
- cession
- cession number
- cession statement
- cestui que vie
- channeling
- chaplain or priest malpractice
- charter
- Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)
- Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
- Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
- charterers legal liability coverage
- chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) weapon
- Chemnet
- chief risk officer (CRO)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- Choice no-fault
- chronic toxicity
- chronological stabilization plans
- circumstance
- Civil Rights Act of 1991
- claim
- claimant
- claim expense
- claims adjuster
- claims administrator
- claims audit
- claims-made
- claims-made and reported policy
- claims-made and reported provision
- claims-made multiplier
- claims-made reinsurance
- claims-paid policy
- claims reserve
- clash cover
- class
- class action
- Class Action Fairness Act of 2005
- class I area
- Class 1 insureds
- Class 2 insureds
- classification
- classified insurance
- class of business
- class rating
- clause
- Clean Air Act (CAA)
- clean closure
- cleanup fund
- Clean Water Act (CWA)
- client company
- climate change risk
- clinical patterns
- closed-loop recycling
- coded excess
- codefendant
- coding
- coemployer
- coemployment
- coinsurance hammer clause
- coinsurance provision
- coinsurer
- collapse additional coverage
- collapse: homeowners policy
- collar
- collateral
- collateral agreement
- collateral documents
- collateral estoppel
- collateralization of cash flow programs
- collateral source rule
- collateral value insurance
- collection commission
- collection fee
- collision damage waiver
- collision insurance
- combination plan reinsurance
- combination policy
- combined ratio
- comment period
- commercial appropriation
- commercial auto insurance coverage forms
- commercial crime policy
- commercial general liability (CGL) policy
- commercial insurer or reinsurer
- commercial lines
- Commercial Lines Manual (CLM)
- commercial multiple peril (CMP) policy
- commercial output policy (COP)
- commercial package policy
- commercial property conditions form (ISO)
- commercial property coverage forms (ISO)
- commercial property policy
- commercial property program
- commercial risks
- commercial waste management facility
- commission
- commissioner
- commissioners standard ordinary 1958 mortality table
- commissions of selling agents coverage
- Committee on Sponsoring Organizations (COSO)
- common accident
- common carrier
- common disaster
- common law
- common law defenses
- common law liability
- common policy conditions
- community property
- community rating
- Community Rating System (CRS)
- commutation
- commutation agreement
- commutation clause
- commutation rights
- comparative negligence
- compensable
- Compensated Intercorporate Hauling (CIH)
- compensating balance plan
- compensatory damages
- competitive bidding
- competitive state funds
- complaint
- completed operations
- complete retention
- composite rating
- comprehensive 3-D policy
- comprehensive auto coverage
- comprehensive auto liability (CAL)
- comprehensive boiler and machinery coverage
- Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
- comprehensive general liability (CGL) policy
- comprehensive personal liability
- compulsory insurance
- compulsory insurance requirements (international insurance)
- computer crime insurance
- computer fraud coverage form
- computer software design errors and omissions
- concealment
- concurrency
- concurrent causation
- concurrent-cause situation
- concurrent insurance
- conditional binding receipt
- conditionally renewable
- conditional payment clause
- conditional vesting
- conditions
- condominium association coverage form (ISO)
- confidence intervals (levels)
- confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, and deprivation insurance
- conflict of laws
- ConsensusDOCS
- consent judgment
- consent to settlement clause
- consequential bodily injury suits
- consequential loss
- conservator
- consideration
- consolidated insurance program (CIP)
- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
- consolidation
- constructibility review
- construction ban
- construction defect
- construction management agency
- construction management at-risk
- construction management (CM)
- construction management professional liability insurance
- Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist (CRIS)
- constructive discharge
- constructive total loss
- contents rate
- contestable clause
- contingency fee
- contingency plan
- contingency planning
- contingency reserve
- contingent annuitant
- contingent beneficiary
- contingent business interruption insurance
- contingent commission
- contingent extra expense insurance
- contingent liability from operation of building codes
- continuance
- continuation of coverage in bankruptcy provision
- continuing undertaking rule
- continuous contract
- continuous injury trigger
- continuous treatment rule
- contract
- contract attorney
- contract bond
- contract carrier
- Contract Certainty
- contract of adhesion
- contractor controlled insurance program (CCIP)
- contractors all risks insurance (CAR)
- contractor’s limitation endorsement
- contractors professional liability insurance
- contractors rework coverage
- contract ratification indemnity
- contract repudiation indemnity
- contractual liability
- contractual liability insurance
- contractual risk transfer
- contra proferentem rule
- contribution
- contribution by equal shares
- contribution by limits
- contributory negligence
- controlled foreign corporation (CFC)
- controlled insurance program (CIP)
- controlled master insurance program
- controlled unrelated business
- controlling
- Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM)
- control technique guidelines (CTG)
- convention blank
- convention statement
- convergence
- convergence (of the capital and insurance markets)
- converted losses
- convertible
- Cooke ratio
- cooperation clause
- cooperative controlled insurance program (CO-CIP)
- cooperative insurance
- Coordinated Advertising, Rate and Form Review Authority (CARFRA)
- coordination of coverage
- core capital
- corporate counsel
- corporate governance
- corporate override agreement
- corporate reimbursement coverage
- corporation
- correlation/uncorrelation
- corridor deductible
- cost and freight (C and F)
- cost, insurance, and freight (CIF)
- cost of hire endorsement
- cost of risk
- cost of suit coverage
- cost of well control
- cosurety
- counseling liability
- counsel selection provision
- counterparty
- countersignature
- coupon interest
- course of employment
- courthouse steps settlement
- court reporter
- covariance
- covenant not to execute
- covenant not to sue
- covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R)
- cover
- coverage
- coverage form
- coverage trigger
- cover note
- cradle-to-grave or manifest system
- credentialing liability
- credibility
- credit carry-forward
- credit default swap
- credit for reinsurance
- credit insurance
- credit life insurance
- credit risk
- credit wrap
- crisis
- crisis management approach
- crisis management coverage
- crisis management plan
- criteria pollutant
- critical recommendation
- criticism
- crop-hail insurance
- cross-complainant
- cross-complaint
- cross-defendant
- cross-liability coverage
- cross-liability endorsement
- cross purchase
- Cumis counsel
- cumulative collusive excess cover
- cumulative injury
- current disbursement
- current service benefit
- custom bond
- customer’s auto
- cutoff
- cut through endorsement
- cyberspace liability
- daily reports
- “damage to premises rented to you”
- “damages reduction” provision
- data processing coverage
- data processors errors and omissions coverage
- date of issue
- deadheading
- dealers driveaway collision
- death benefit
- Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA)
- death rate
- debit agent
- debit life insurance
- debit system
- debris removal
- decennial liability
- declarations
- declaratory judgment
- declination
- deductible
- deductible, annual aggregate
- deductible plan
- deemer period
- deemers
- defamation
- default
- default insurance
- defeasance
- defendant
- Defense Base Act
- defense costs endorsements
- defense clause
- defense-only coverage
- defense within limits
- deferred acquisition cost (DAC)
- deferred group annuity
- deferred payment merchandise
- deferred premiums
- deferred tax asset
- deficit carry-forward or carry-back
- defined benefit plan
- defined contribution plan
- delay clause
- delayed completion coverage
- delay in start-up (DSU) insurance
- delivery
- demand surge
- demand trigger coverage
- demolition coverage
- demurrage
- demurrer
- demutualization
- denial of tenure claims
- Department of Labor (DOL)
- Department of Transportation (DOT)
- dependent properties time element coverage
- deposit
- deposit accounting
- deposition
- deposit policy
- deposit premium
- depreciation
- deprivation
- derivative
- derivative contract
- derivative lawsuits
- designated contractor
- designated employees
- designated insured endorsement
- designated operations exclusion endorsement
- designated pollutant
- designated workplaces exclusion endorsement
- design-build professional liability insurance
- designer bugs
- design liability
- destroyed medical waste
- destruction and removal efficiency (DRE)
- development factor
- deviation
- difference-in-conditions (DIC) insurance
- difference-in-limits (DIL) clause
- Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM)
- diminution in value
- direct action
- direct damage
- direct damage coverage
- direct discharger
- direct filtration
- Directive on Data Protection
- direct loss
- direct market
- directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance
- direct premiums
- direct selling system (direct marketing)
- direct threat
- direct writer
- direct writing captive
- direct writing carrier
- direct written premium
- dirty bomb
- disability
- disability benefit
- disability income insurance
- disappearing deductible
- disaster
- disaster recovery plan
- disciplinary proceeding expense coverage
- disclaimer
- discount rate
- discovery
- discovery cover
- discovery period
- discovery provision
- discovery rule
- discrimination
- disease loading
- dismemberment
- dismissal
- disparate impact discrimination
- disparate treatment discrimination
- dispersion
- distributions
- distribution system
- diversification credit
- divided risk endorsement
- dividend accumulation
- dividend addition
- dividend options
- dividends
- divisible contract clause
- docket control system
- domestic insurer
- domestic terrorism
- domicile
- domicile manager
- domino theory
- dose response
- dose-response assessment
- dose-response relationship
- double excess coverage
- double indemnity
- double protection
- downsizing exclusion
- draft authority
- dramshop liability
- “D” ratio
- drive other car endorsement
- Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA)
- drop down provision
- druggist liability insurance
- dry pipe sprinkler system
- dual agency
- dual capacity
- due diligence
- duty to defend
- duty to pay
- dwelling
- dwelling property coverage forms
- dynamic financial analysis (DFA)
- dynamic risk
- earned premium
- earned reinsurance premium
- earned surplus
- earnings before interest, dividends, depreciation, and amortization (EBIDDA)
- earnings guidance
- earnings insurance
- earth movement or earthquake exclusion
- earthquake coverage
- easement
- easement appurtenant
- easement by prescription
- easement, public
- EC endorsement
- ecological risk assessment
- economic capital
- economic cost of ruin (ECOR)
- economic damages
- Economic Loss Doctrine
- economic or use value
- economic value added (EVA)
- EDP coverage
- educators legal liability (ELL) insurance
- EEO-1 report
- effective date
- effective tax rate
- efficacy insurance
- EFT system coverage
- EIL insurance
- election
- election window
- elective benefits
- electrical damage or injury exclusion
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)
- electronic data
- electronic data processing (EDP) coverage
- electronic funds transfer (EFT) system coverage
- electronic products errors and omissions (E&O) insurance
- elevator insurance
- eligibility period
- elimination period
- ELP factor
- embedded value
- emergency
- emergency medical technician (EMT) and paramedics professional liability
- emergency response plan
- emergency response values
- employed lawyers professional liability insurance
- employee assistance program (EAP)
- employee benefit programs
- employee benefits liability
- employee dishonesty coverage
- employee hired autos endorsement
- employee leasing
- employee leasing company
- employee pension benefit plans
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) liability
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974
- employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
- employee stock purchase plan
- employee welfare benefit plans
- employees as additional insureds
- employers excess indemnity insurance
- employers liability coverage
- Employment Arbitration Agreement
- employment-at-will doctrine
- employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)
- employment-related practices liability (ERPL) policy
- employment risk
- encapsulation
- endangerment assessment
- endemic disease coverage
- endorsement
- endowment insurance
- energy release theory
- enforceable requirements
- enforcement decision document (EDD)
- engaged in trade or business (ETB)
- engagement letter
- engineering
- engineering insurance
- Engineering Joint Contracts Documents Committee (EJCDC)
- enterprise risk management (ERM)
- entire contract clause
- entity coverage
- entity securities coverage
- environmental assessment
- environmental audit
- environmental impact statement
- environmental impairment liability (EIL) insurance
- environmental liability buyout
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) data
- environmental stop loss insurance
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Equal Pay Act of 1963
- equipment breakdown insurance
- equipment floater
- equitable estoppel
- erection all risks insurance (EAR)
- ergonomics
- Erie Doctrine
- ERISA liability
- ERISA stock drop litigation
- error or omission in reporting endorsement
- errors and omissions (E&O) clause
- errors and omissions (E&O) insurance
- escape provision
- essential functions
- estate plan
- estimated premium
- estoppel
- event
- event insurance
- event risk
- event triggered financings
- evidence
- evidence of insurability
- exacerbation
- exception (to exclusion)
- excess
- excess and surplus (E&S) lines insurance
- excess cover
- excess insurance
- excess interest
- excess liability “follow form” policy
- excess liability policy
- excess limit
- excess lines broker
- excess loss premium (ELP) factor
- excess of loss ratio reinsurance
- excess of loss reinsurance
- excess per risk reinsurance
- excess point
- excess workers compensation insurance
- exchange transfer embargo indemnity
- exclusion
- exclusive agency system
- exclusive remedy
- exculpatory clause
- executive officer
- executor
- exemplary damages
- exempt motor carrier
- ex gratia payment
- exhibitor insurance
- ex-medical coverage
- ex parte hearings
- expatriate
- expected loss
- expected morbidity
- expected mortality
- expected or intended
- expected reinsurer deficit (ERD)
- expediting expense
- expediting expense coverage
- expense
- expense allowance
- expense constant
- expense load
- expense ratio
- expense reserve
- experience
- experience account
- experience modification
- experience modifier
- experience rating
- experience refund
- expert
- expiration
- expiration file
- expiration notice
- export and/or import embargo indemnity
- exposure
- exposure base
- exposure-in-residence theory
- exposure rating
- exposure survey
- express authority
- expropriation
- extended coverage (EC) endorsement
- extended discovery period
- extended discovery provision
- extended period of indemnity endorsement or option
- extended reporting period (ERP)
- extended term insurance
- exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS)
- extortion coverage form G
- extracontractual damages
- extracontractual obligations (ECO)
- extra expense coverage
- extra percentage tables
- extra premium
- extraterritorial coverage
- extremely hazardous substances
- “extrinsic facts” test
- face amount
- facility emergency coordinator
- factory firms
- facultative
- facultative automatic
- facultative obligatory treaty
- failure to collect contributions exclusion
- failure to fund in accordance with ERISA exclusion
- failure to insure exclusion
- Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
- FAIR (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements) Plans
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938
- fair rental value (FRV) coverage
- faithful performance coverage
- false pretense, trick, and device
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993
- farmowners insurance
- FAS 5
- FAS 113
- FAS 115
- FC&S warranty
- feasibility study
- Federal Coal Mine Health Safety Act (FCMH&SA)
- federal crop insurance
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA)
- federal excise tax (FET)
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA)
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR)
- Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)
- fee-for-service
- fees
- fee schedule
- fellow employee coverage
- fellow employee exclusion
- fellow employee suits coverage
- Fellow in Risk Management (FRM)
- Fellowship of the Chartered Insurance Institute (FCII)
- fidelity bond
- fiduciary
- fiduciary bond
- fiduciary liability
- fiduciary liability endorsement
- fiduciary liability “follow-on” claims
- field service advice (FSA)
- filed forms
- financed insurance
- Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
- Financial Anti-Terrorism Act (FATA or PATRIOT Act)
- financial capacity
- financial disclosure claims
- financial guarantee insurance
- financial institution bond
- financial modeling
- financial quota share
- financial reinsurance
- financial responsibility
- financial responsibility law
- financial restatement
- financial restatement exclusion
- financial risk management
- financial statement
- financial transformation (FT)
- fine arts coverage
- finite risk insurance
- fire brigade
- fire department service charge coverage
- fire legal liability coverage
- fire-resistive construction
- firewall
- fire wall
- FIRMette
- “first bite”
- first class mail coverage
- first dollar coverage
- first dollar defense coverage
- first dollar defense, umbrella
- first named insured
- first-party insurance
- first surplus reinsurance treaty
- fixed-cost insurance
- flat
- flat cancellation
- flat commission
- flat dividend
- flat rate
- fleet
- fleet automatic, auto
- fleet of companies
- fleet policy
- floater policy
- flood coverage
- flood exclusion
- flood insurance rate map (FIRM)
- floor
- FOB destination
- follow form
- follow form professional liability endorsement
- following reinsurer
- following the fortunes
- forced placed
- force majeure
- force majeure insurance
- foreign commerce
- foreign currency controls
- foreign insurer
- foreign liability coverage
- foreign title equivalent coverage provision
- forgery or alteration coverage
- “for-hire” motor carrier
- form
- fortuitous event
- forum shopping
- forward
- forward contract
- “four-corners” test
- fractional premium
- frame construction
- franchise deductible
- franchise insurance
- fraud
- Fraud Claim Law Associate (FCLA)
- Fraud Claim Law Specialist (FCLS)
- free alongside (FAS)
- free of capture and seizure (FC&S) warranty
- free of particular average (American conditions) (FPAAC)
- free of particular average (English conditions) (FPAEC)
- free of particular average (FPA)
- free on board (FOB)
- free on board destination (FOB destination)
- freight broker
- freight forwarder
- frequency
- friable asbestos
- friendly fire
- front company
- front pay
- fronted captive
- fronting
- full coverage
- full preliminary term reserve valuation
- full prior acts coverage
- full-timers coverage
- fully insured status
- fully paid policy
- functional capacity evaluation (FCE)
- functional job description
- functional replacement cost
- functional replacement cost provision or endorsement
- fundamental risk
- fund control agreement
- funded
- funded covers
- funded pension plan
- funded retention
- funded self-insurance
- fund states coverage
- funds withheld
- furriers block policy
- furriers customers insurance
- future
- futures contract
- garagekeepers coverage/garagekeepers legal liability
- garagekeepers extra legal liability
- garage liability insurance
- garage policy
- garment contractors floater
- General Adjustment Bureau (GAB)
- general agency system
- general aggregate limit
- general average losses
- general counsel
- general damages
- general employer
- general exclusions
- general inclusions
- general indemnity clause
- general liability insurance
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- general maritime law
- general supervision
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
- geographical (coverage territory) limitations
- glass ceiling
- glass insurance
- global insurance program
- glovebag
- good faith settlement
- “good guy” letter
- good samaritan statutes
- good student discount
- governing classification
- grace period
- graded commission
- graduated drivers licenses
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act
- green building
- greenmail exclusion
- gross cessation
- gross combination weight (GCW)
- gross earnings coverage
- gross loss reserves
- gross negligence
- gross premium
- gross profits insurance
- gross receipts or mileage, auto
- gross vehicle weight (GVW)
- gross weight
- gross written premium (GWP)
- ground coverage
- ground up loss
- group annuity
- group captive
- group certificate
- group contract
- group credit insurance
- group insurance
- group of companies
- group-owned captive
- group practice HMO
- group property and liability insurance
- group self-insurance
- guaranteed auto protection (GAP)
- guaranteed cost
- guaranteed cost discount (GCD)
- guaranteed cost insurance
- guaranteed cost premium
- guaranteed insurability
- guaranteed investment contract (GIC)
- guaranteed renewable
- guaranty agreement
- guaranty fund
- guardian ad litem
- Guertin laws
- guests’ property, premises
- guests’ property, safe deposit box
- guest statutes, auto
- hail insurance
- hammer clause
- hangar keepers liability
- hard market
- The Harper Group v. Commissioner
- hazard
- hazard class pricing
- hazardous ranking system (HRS)
- hazardous waste
- hazard risk
- healing plateau
- healthcare purchasers liability insurance
- health care reimbursement plan
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
- health maintenance organization (HMO)
- hedge
- hedge fund
- hedge instrument
- hedging transaction
- highly protected risk (HPR) property
- high-risk community
- Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI)
- hired automobile
- historical cost
- hold harmless agreement
- holding power formula
- holistic risk management
- homebuilder wrap-up
- home equity insurance
- home foreign
- home office
- homeowners modified form 8 (HO-8)
- homeowners policy
- homeowners policy basic form 1 (HO-1)
- homeowners policy broad form 2 (HO-2)
- homeowners policy comprehensive form 5 (HO-5)
- homeowners policy contents broad form 4 (HO-4)
- homeowners policy special form 3 (HO-3)
- homeowners policy unit owners form 6 (HO-6)
- honorable engagement or undertaking
- horizontal exhaustion rule
- hospital income insurance
- hospital professional liability (HPL) insurance
- hostile fire
- hostile work environment sexual harassment
- host liquor liability
- hot line
- Household Goods Transportation Act
- HPR property
- HR-10 plan
- hull coverage
- Humana, Inc. v. Commissioner
- human equivalent dose
- hurdle rate
- hybrid
- hybrid plans
- ICC Termination Act of 1995
- identity theft coverage
- idiopathic injury
- immediate annuity
- immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH)
- impaired property
- impaired risk
- impairment
- impairment capital
- implead
- implied authority
- implied warranty
- improvements and betterments
- in camera proceedings
- inchmaree clause
- incidence of ownership
- incidental malpractice
- incident reporting provision
- incontestable clause
- incorporation doctrine
- increased cost of construction
- increased limit factors
- increased limits table
- incurred but not enough (IBNE)
- incurred but not reported (IBNR) losses
- incurred expense
- incurred losses
- incurred loss ratio
- incurred loss retro
- indemnification
- indemnify
- indemnitee
- indemnitor
- indemnity
- indemnity bond
- indemnity clause
- indemnity contract
- indemnity payments
- independent adjuster
- independent agency system
- independent contractor
- independent directors policies
- independent medical evaluation (IME)
- independently filed form
- index
- index-based contracts
- index bureau
- indexed deductible
- indexing, indexation
- indirect damage loss
- individual practice association
- Individual Risk Premium Modification (IRPM)
- industrial hygiene control
- industrial insured
- industrial insured group
- industrial life insurance
- inflation factor
- inflation guard provision
- informal retention
- information page
- Information Practices Act (SB 1386)
- informed consent
- inherent defects insurance (IDI)
- inherent vice
- in-house counsel
- initial premium
- initial public offering (IPO)
- inland marine coverage
- innkeepers legal liability
- in rem endorsement
- inside adjuster
- inside directors
- insider trading
- insolvency clause
- inspection bureau
- inspection fees
- inspection reports
- installation floater
- installment settlement
- installment tail coverage
- insurability
- insurable interest
- insurance
- insurance agent’s errors and omissions
- insurance commissioner
- insurance contract
- insurance department
- insurance examiner
- insurance exchange
- Insurance Information Institute (III)
- Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
- insurance line
- insurance policy
- Insurance Regulatory Information System (IRIS)
- insurance requirements
- insurance risk
- insurance risk management
- insurance risk score
- insurance risk scoring
- Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO)
- insurance to value
- insuratization
- insured
- insured contract
- Insured Fixed-Price Cleanups (IFCs)
- insured versus insured exclusion
- insurer
- insurer insolvency exclusion
- insurer-sponsored agency captive
- insuring agreement
- integrated disability management (IDM)
- integrated excess policies
- integrated risk
- intellectual property
- intellectual property defense cost reimbursement insurance
- intellectual property infringement abatement insurance
- interchange agreements
- interest rate risk
- interim bill
- interim (permit) status
- inter-insurance exchange
- interlining
- interlocutory appeal
- intermediary
- intermediary clause
- intermodal
- Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991
- International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
- International Registration Plan (IRP)
- international reverse business
- interpolicy stacking
- interrelated claims provisions
- interrogatory
- interstate commerce
- Interstate Commerce Act
- Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
- Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Termination Act of 1995
- interstate experience rating
- intrafamily immunity
- intrapolicy stacking
- intrastate commerce
- intrastate experience rating
- invasion of privacy
- Investment Company Act of 1940
- investment income
- investment risk
- invitee
- IPO laddering claims
- irrevocable beneficiary
- irrevocable letter of credit (ILOC)
- issued business
- jettison
- jewelers block insurance
- job safety analysis (JSA)
- joint and several liability
- joint and survivorship annuity
- joint annuity
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
- joint defense
- joint employer
- joint insurance
- joint underwriting associations
- joint venture
- joisted masonry construction
- Jones Act (Merchant Marine Act of 1920)
- judgmental immunity
- judgment rates
- jumping juvenile insurance
- jump process
- jurisdiction
- labor contractor
- Lamb-Weston Rule
- lapse
- lapse ratio
- large deductible plan
- large line capacity
- laser exclusion
- last injurious exposure
- latent defect
- lateral hire
- laundry listing
- law clerk
- law enforcement officers liability
- law of large numbers
- lawyers professional liability coverage
- layering
- lay-up
- lay-up warranty
- LC5-lethal concentration
- LD50-lethal dose
- leading
- lead reinsurer
- leasehold interest
- legal action against insurer
- legal liability coverage form (ISO)
- Legal Principles Claim Specialist (LPCS)
- legal risk
- lender liability
- lenders liability coverage
- lenders loss payable endorsement
- lessee
- lessees of safe deposit boxes coverage form I
- lessor
- less than truckload (LTL)
- letter of credit (LOC)
- leverage
- liability
- liability for guests’ property, premises coverage form L
- liability for guests’ property, safe deposit box coverage form K
- liability insurance
- liability limits
- Liability Risk Retention Act
- libel
- liberalization clause
- license
- license and permit bond
- licensed insurer/reinsurer
- lien
- life expectancy
- life insurance trust
- Life Office Management Association (LOMA)
- Life Underwriter Training Council (LUTC)
- Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
- limit
- limitation of liability clause
- limitation of risk
- limited liability company (LLC)
- limited losses
- Limited Mexico Coverage Endorsement
- limited severability provision
- limit of insurance
- limit of liability
- “limits reduction” provision
- limits under multiple policy (LUMP) years
- line
- line of business
- line sheet
- line slip
- liquidated damages
- liquidity
- liquidity ratio
- liquidity risk
- liquor law liability (dramshop)
- litigation
- litigation management
- Little Miller Acts
- livestock collision
- livestock mortality insurance
- Lloyd’s broker
- Lloyd’s central fund
- Lloyd’s managing agent
- Lloyd’s members’ agent
- Lloyd’s of London
- Lloyd’s syndicate
- Lloyd’s underwriter
- loan-backs
- loan participation coverage
- locality standard
- London form (BFPD)
- Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA)
- long tail liability
- long-term disability (LTD) income insurance
- long-term insurance
- loss
- loss adjustment expense (LAE)
- loss assessment
- loss carry forward
- loss conditions
- loss constant
- loss control
- loss conversion factor (LCF)
- loss costs
- loss damage waiver (LDW)
- loss development
- loss development factor
- losses incurred
- losses in excess of policy limits
- loss forecasting
- loss limit
- loss limitation
- loss loading (multiplier)
- loss mitigation underwriting (LMU)
- loss of consortium suits
- loss of income coverage
- loss payable clause
- loss payout curve
- loss pick
- loss portfolio agreements
- loss portfolio transfer (LPT)
- loss prevention
- loss rating
- loss ratio
- loss ratio coverage
- loss reduction
- loss report
- loss reserve
- loss reserve stability
- loss sensitive plans
- loss trending
- loss triangle
- lost policy release
- lowest achievable emission rate
- maintenance, cure, and wages
- maintenance wrap-up
- major life activity
- major medical insurance
- malicious prosecution
- malpractice
- malpractice insurance
- managed care
- managed care coverage endorsement
- managed care liability insurance
- managed care organization (MCO)
- management advisory services
- management liability insurance
- Management Liability Insurance Specialist (MLIS™)
- managing general agent (MGA)
- managing general underwriter (MGU)
- mandatory arbitration provision
- mandatory securities valuation reserve
- manifestation theory
- manifest system
- manual premium
- manual rates
- manufacturers and contractors (M&C) insurance
- manufacturer’s output policy (MOP)
- manufacturers penalty insurance
- manufacturer’s selling price endorsement
- manuscript certificate of insurance
- manuscript form or policy
- margin clause
- marina operators legal liability coverage
- marine insurance
- maritime law
- market conduct
- market conduct exam
- market cycles
- market risk
- market service agreement (MSA)
- market value
- market value clause
- masonry noncombustible construction
- master policy
- material safety data sheet (MSDS)
- mature
- mature claims-made
- maturity
- maturity date
- maximum foreseeable loss (MFL)
- maximum medical improvement (MMI)
- maximum possible loss (MPL)
- maximum premium
- M&C insurance
- McCarran-Ferguson Act (Public Law 15)
- MCS-90 endorsement
- mean reserve
- mean/variance/covariance (MVC) risk modeling method
- media liability coverage
- mediation
- mediation incentive deductible
- Medicaid
- medical fee schedule
- Medical Insurance Compensation Reform Act (MICRA)
- Medical Malpractice “Caps”
- medical malpractice insurance
- medical payments, auto
- medical payments, general liability
- medical payments, homeowners
- Medicare
- Medicare fraud and abuse insurance
- membership accounting
- members of Lloyd’s of London
- mental impairment
- mental-mental injuries
- menu-driven policy
- mercantile open stock
- mercantile robbery
- mercantile safe burglary
- methods and means (of construction)
- Mexico coverage
- midi-tail
- Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSAWPA)
- mill construction
- Miller Act
- Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)
- mine subsidence coverage
- minimum and deposit (M&D)
- minimum deposit policy
- minimum premium
- mini-tail
- mini-trial
- minor’s compromise
- miscellaneous liability coverage
- misrepresentation
- misstatement of age provision
- mix of services
- mobile equipment
- mobile home policy
- model
- model act
- modification factor (the “mod”)
- modified fire-resistive construction
- modified premium
- monetary threshold
- money and securities broad form policy
- money orders and counterfeit paper currency insurance
- monoline
- monopolistic state funds
- Montrose doctrine
- Montrose endorsement
- moonlighting coverage
- morale hazard
- moral hazard
- morbidity
- mortality
- mortality table
- mortgage-backed security
- mortgage errors and omissions insurance
- mortgage impairment insurance
- mortgage insurance
- mortgage (mortgagee) clause
- most favored venue wording
- motion
- motion in limine
- motion practice
- motion to dismiss
- Motor Carrier Act (MCA)
- Motor Carrier Act Endorsement
- motor carrier policy
- motor home policy
- motor truck cargo
- motor vehicle
- motor vehicle insurance law
- motor vehicle registration law
- multiemployer pension and benefit plans
- multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI)
- multiple-cause situation
- multiple coordinated policies
- multiple indemnity
- multiple parent captive
- multiple protection insurance
- multiple trigger insurance contracts
- multiplied damages
- multiyear single limit (MYSL)
- mutual additional insured status
- mutual benefit association
- mutual company
- mutual fund
- mutual insurer
- mutualization
- mutual law enforcement agreements
- name
- named insured
- named nonowner policy or endorsement
- named perils coverage
- name partner
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
- National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers (NARAB)
- National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI)
- National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- National Independent Statistical Service (NISS)
- nationalization
- National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
- National Priorities List (NPL)
- National Response Center
- National Response Team (NRT)
- National Safety Council
- Nationwide Marine Definition
- natural death
- naturally occurring asbestos (NOA)
- naturally occurring substances
- negative basis
- negligence
- negligence per se
- negligent entrustment
- negligent evaluation
- negligent provider selection
- negligent referral
- negligent retention
- net interest earned
- net level premium
- net line
- net loss
- net loss reserves
- net present value
- net retained liability
- net retention
- net risk (risk limitation)
- network
- net written premium
- new for old
- newly acquired entities
- newsgathering torts
- New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
- nexus
- NFC mortality rate
- no-fault
- no further remedial action planned
- nonadmitted asset
- nonadmitted balance
- nonadmitted insurance (international insurance)
- nonadmitted insurer
- nonadmitted reinsurance
- Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act
- nonassessable
- nonassignable
- non-certified act of terrorism
- noncombustible construction
- nonconcurrency
- nonconcurrency of coverage triggers
- noncontributing, noncontributory
- noncontributory insurance
- noncontrolled foreign corporation (NCFC)
- noncorrelated risks
- noncumulation of limits provisions
- nonderivative suits
- nonduplication of benefits
- noneconomic damages
- nonengagement letter
- nonfiled line of coverage
- nonforfeiture values
- nonimputation provision
- noninsurable risk
- noninsurance
- noninsurance risk transfer
- nonledger assets
- nonmedical
- nonowned automobile
- nonparticipating (non-par)
- nonparticipation settlement clause
- nonpecuniary relief
- nonpracticing extension
- nonprofit directors and officers liability insurance
- nonprofit insurers
- nonproportional reinsurance
- nonqualified plans
- nonratable elements
- nonresident agent
- nonstandard auto insurance
- nonsubject premium
- nonsubscription
- nonsuit
- nontransferability provisions
- noon clause
- no-pay, no-play laws
- normal loss
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
- nose coverage
- notary claim exclusion
- notice
- notice of cancellation/nonrenewal clauses
- notice of circumstances during ERP provision
- notice of claim provision
- notice of occurrence
- notice of potential claim provision
- notice to the company
- novation
- nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) weapons
- nuclear exclusion
- object
- objective findings
- obligatory treaty
- obligee
- obligor
- occupational accident insurance
- occupational classification
- occupational disease
- occupational injury
- occupational manual
- occurrence
- occurrence policy
- occurrence year
- ocean marine coverage
- of counsel
- off-balance-sheet risk
- off-duty coverage
- offer
- office burglary and robbery
- Office of Motor Carrier Standards (OMCS)
- off-premises power coverage
- offset clause
- offshore captive
- OL&T liability policy
- omnibus clause
- on-demand bonds, bank guarantees
- ongoing operations
- Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 (AB68)
- onshore captive
- open perils
- open rating
- open stock burglary policy
- operating cash flow
- operating earnings
- operational capital
- operational risk
- operational risk financing securities (ORFS)
- operational risk management (ORM)
- operators extra expense (OEE)
- optimization
- optimum level of risk retention
- option
- option backdating
- option instruments
- optionally renewable
- option spring-loading
- opt-out lawsuits
- ordinance or law coverage
- ordinary construction
- ordinary life
- ordinary payroll limitation or exclusion endorsement
- organizational documents
- organizational risk
- organizing
- original gross premium (OGP)
- original insurer
- ostensible agency liability
- other insurance clause
- other states coverage
- other structures: homeowners policy
- other-than-collision coverage
- other underwriting income
- outcomes measurement
- outer continental shelf
- Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA)
- out of employment
- outplacement services
- outside directors
- outside directorship liability coverage
- outstanding losses
- outstanding loss reserves (OSLR)
- outstanding premiums
- overall operating ratio
- overinsurance
- overlapping insurance
- over-line
- override
- overriding commission
- overtime surcharge
- owner controlled insurance program (OCIP)
- owner-operator
- owners and contractors protective (OCP) liability coverage
- ownership clause
- owners, landlords, and tenants (OL&T) liability policy
- owners protective errors and omissions insurance coverage
- package policy
- paid-in capital
- paid losses
- paid loss retrospective rating plan
- paid up
- paid-up additions
- pain and suffering
- pair or set clause
- par
- paralegal
- parallel proceedings
- parameter risk
- parcel post coverage
- parent company
- pari passu rule
- parol evidence
- Part A permit, Part B permit
- partial disability
- partial loss
- partial retention
- participant
- participating (par)
- participating policy
- participating reinsurance
- particular average
- partner
- partner controlled insurance program (PCIP)
- partner-track
- party
- party-in-interest transactions
- passive foreign investment company (PFIC)
- passive loss
- passive retention
- pass-through entity
- patent infringement
- patient dumping
- Patient’s Bill of Rights Legislation
- Patient’s Compensation Funds
- Paul v. Virginia
- payment account
- payment bond
- payor benefit
- payout profile
- payroll
- payroll audit
- payroll deduction
- payroll limitation
- peer review
- penal sum
- penalty
- pension
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
- Pension Protection Act of 2006
- per capita
- percentage participation
- per diem business interruption coverage
- perfect hedge
- performance bond
- performance ratio
- peril
- peril of the sea
- per-loss deductible
- permanent and stationary
- permanent life insurance
- permanent partial disability
- permanent total disability
- per occurrence limitation of liability provision
- per risk excess reinsurance
- personal and advertising injury
- personal articles floater
- personal auto policy (PAP)
- personal effects floater
- Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
- personal injury
- personal injury protection (PIP)/no-fault
- personal liability coverage
- personal lines
- personal profit exclusion
- personal property
- personal risk management (PRM)
- personal umbrella policy
- personnel risk
- per stirpes
- phishing
- physical hazard
- physical impairment
- physical-mental injuries
- physical rehabilitation
- P&I insurance
- placement service agreement (PSA)
- placement slips
- plain language laws
- plaintiff
- planned retention
- planning
- plate glass insurance
- pleadings
- point-of-entry treatment device
- point-of-use treatment device
- police professional liability insurance
- policy
- policy anniversary
- policy conditions
- policy date
- policy definitions
- policy dividend
- policy expense allowance
- policy fee
- policyholder
- policyholder dividends
- policyholder surplus
- policy loan
- policy owner
- policy period
- policy registers
- policy reserve
- policy territory
- policy writing agent
- policy year
- policy year experience
- political risk insurance
- pollutant
- pollutant standard index (PSI)
- pollution
- pollution exclusion
- pool
- portfolio
- portfolio reinsurance
- portfolio return
- portfolio runoff
- portfolio transfer
- Port Risk
- post-emergency recovery
- postmortem dividend
- potentially responsible party (PRP)
- power of attorney
- practice insurance policy
- practice policy
- preauthorized check plan
- precedent
- pre-claim advice credit
- predecessor firm coverage
- preexisting condition
- preferred provider organization (PPO)
- preferred risk
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA)
- prejudgment interest
- premises
- premises burglary coverage
- premises-operations
- premises theft and outside robbery coverage form H
- premium
- premium, advance
- premium audit
- premium basis
- premium capacity
- premium deposit
- premium discount
- premium loan
- premium notice
- premium payment plan
- premium prepayment
- premium, pure
- premium reserve
- premiums earned
- premium tax
- prepaid legal plans
- preponderance of evidence
- present value
- preservation of property
- pre-set allocation provision
- presumption
- presumptive indemnification provision
- primary and non-contributory
- primary beneficiary
- primary cover
- primary insurer
- primary liability
- principal
- principal sum
- principle of indemnification
- prior acts coverage
- prior and pending litigation exclusion
- priority of payments provision
- prior work exclusion
- private carrier
- private company directors officers (D&O) liability insurance
- private equity firm
- Private Letter Ruling
- privately held corporation
- private placement
- Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
- privileged communication
- privity of contract
- probability
- probability analysis
- probability of ruin
- probable maximum loss (PML)
- probationary period
- proceeds
- process
- process risk
- process wastewater
- producer
- producer-owned reinsurance captive (PORC)
- product
- product disparagement
- production of documents
- product liability
- product liability exclusion
- product liability insurance
- product recall
- products-completed operations
- products guarantee legal liability
- products tampering insurance
- professional employer organization (PEO)
- professional liability
- professional reinsurer
- profit center captives
- profit commission
- profit sharing plan
- pro forma (projected) financial statements
- program business
- progressive injury or damage
- prohibited risk
- prohibited transaction exemption (PTE)
- prohibited transactions
- prohibition of voluntary payments provision
- pro hoc vice
- project liability insurance
- project management protective liability (PMPL) insurance
- promissory estoppel
- promissory note
- proof of loss
- Property Claim Law Associate (PCLA)
- Property Claim Law Specialist (PCLS)
- property damage
- property insurance
- property transfer liability insurance
- proportional liability
- proportional/pro rata reinsurance
- proposal bond
- pro rata
- pro rata cancellation
- pro rata distribution clause
- pro rata reinsurance
- proration
- pro se
- prospect
- prospecting
- prospective aggregates
- prospective loss costs
- prospective rating
- protected cell captive (PCC)
- protection and indemnity (P&I) insurance
- protection classes
- protective liability insurance
- protective order
- Protective Professional Indemnity Insurance
- protective safeguards endorsement
- provisional notice of cancellation (PNOC)
- provisional premium
- proximate cause
- psychological rehabilitation
- public adjuster
- Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
- public easement
- public employee dishonesty coverage
- Public Law 15 (McCarran Act)
- public liability insurance
- publicly held corporation
- public officials bond
- public officials liability
- public officials liability insurance
- public or livery conveyance use
- public policy exception
- Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA)
- publishers liability
- punitive damages
- purchasing group
- pure captive
- pure claims-made policy
- pure endowment
- pure loss cost
- pure premium
- pure risk
- putting in expenses
- Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act of 1970
- radiological weapon
- radius class
- radius of operations
- railroad protective liability
- railroad sidetrack agreement
- rainmaker
- ratable losses
- rate
- rate basis
- rated insurer
- rate discrimination
- rate making
- rate manual
- rate of natural change
- rate on line (ROL)
- rating
- rating bureau
- rating class
- rating experience
- rating methodology
- readjustment income
- real estate brokers errors and omissions
- real property
- reasonable accommodation
- reasonable repairs
- reasonably available control technology (RACT)
- rebate
- rebating
- recapture
- reciprocal
- reciprocal insurance
- reciprocity
- recision
- recurrent disability
- recurring clause
- redact
- redlining
- redomiciling
- reduced paid-up insurance
- reformation (of an insurance policy)
- refund annuity
- registered agent
- registered mail coverage
- Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU)
- registers
- regression analysis
- regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM)
- regulated medical waste
- Regulation 114 trust
- regulatory agency exclusion
- regulatory estoppel
- regulatory risk
- rehabilitation management
- reimbursement policies
- reinstatement
- reinstatement premium
- reinsurance
- reinsurance agreement
- reinsurance assumed
- reinsurance captive
- reinsurance ceded
- reinsurance commission
- reinsurance confirmation
- reinsurance credit
- reinsurance/hedging strategy optimization
- reinsurance intermediaries
- reinsurance pool
- reinsurance premium
- reinsurance recoverable
- reinsurance sidecar
- reinsurance treaty
- reinsurance wheel
- reinsured
- reinsurer
- reinsurer’s margin
- related claims provisions
- related person insurance income (RPII)
- related product liability exclusion
- related risk
- release
- relief well coverage
- remedial action (RA)
- remedial design
- remedial investigation
- remedial project manager (RPM)
- remedial response
- remediation
- remediation cost cap policy
- remuneration
- renewable term
- renewal certificate
- renewal policy
- rent-a-captive
- rental captive
- rental cost reimbursement (cost of hire) endorsement
- rents or rental value insurance
- repatriation
- repatriation of dividends insurance
- replacement cost coverage
- reportable quantity (RQ)
- reported losses
- reporting form coverage
- reporting lag
- repossessed autos endorsement
- representation
- representations and warranties insurance
- reproduction cost
- reputational risk
- request for proposal (RFP)
- Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)
- reservation of rights
- reserve
- reserved but not enough (RBNE)
- residence employee: homeowners policy
- resident agent
- residential wrap-up
- residual market
- residual market load (RML)
- residual market loading
- residual value insurance
- res ipsa loquitur
- res judicata
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
- respondeat superior
- response action
- restitution of fees
- results standards
- resumption plan
- retail agent
- retaliation claims
- retaliatory law
- retaliatory suits
- retention
- retention ability
- retention plan
- retired directors liability policies
- retirement annuity
- retirement income policy
- retraction provisions
- retroactive conversion
- retroactive date
- retroactive insurance
- retrocedent
- retrocession
- retrocessionaire
- retrocessional pools
- retrospective aggregates
- retrospective rating
- return of premium (or cash value)
- return of professional fees exclusion
- return of remuneration exclusion
- return on equity (ROE)
- return on risk-adjusted capital (RORAC)
- return premium
- return-to-work program
- reverse flow business
- reversionary
- rider
- riggers liability insurance
- right of offset
- right of recourse provision
- Right to Repair Law
- rip and tear coverage
- risk
- risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC)
- risk-adjusted return on risk-adjusted capital (RARORAC)
- risk-adjustment investment (capital)
- Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
- risk appetite
- risk assumption
- risk-based capital (RBC) requirements
- risk capital
- risk charge
- risk concentration
- risk control
- risk dashboard
- risk distribution
- risk financing
- risk gap
- risk identification
- risk index
- risk management
- risk management information system (RMIS)
- risk management process
- risk management techniques
- risk manager
- risk map/mapping
- risk pool
- risk prioritization
- risk profile
- risk purchasing group (RPG)
- risk quantification
- risk reduction
- risk retention
- Risk Retention Act (RRA)
- risk retention group (RRG)
- risk securitization
- risk sharing
- risk shifting
- risk smoothing
- risk tolerance
- risk types
- risk volatility
- road rage
- robbery
- robbery and safe burglary coverage, money and securities form Q
- robbery and safe burglary coverage, other than money and securities form D
- rolling policy limits
- rolling wrap-up
- Rule 11 sanctions
- running down clause
- runoff
- safe burglary insurance
- safe deposit box coverage
- safe depository coverage
- Saffir-Simpson scale
- sale bond
- sales
- salesmen’s samples coverage
- saline substances contamination endorsement
- salvage
- salvage value
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SARBOX, SOX, SOx)
- schedule
- schedule bond
- scheduled limits
- scheduled loss
- “Schedule P” reserve
- schedule rating
- school board legal liability insurance
- school board liability coverage
- screening clients/cases
- Sears, Roebuck Co. v. Commissioner
- seasonal risk
- secondary beneficiary
- secondary classification—special industry class
- second surplus reinsurance
- Securities Act of 1933
- securities class action claims
- securities deposited with others coverage form J
- Securities Exchange Act of 1934
- securities insuring agreement
- securities valuation reserve
- securitization
- securitization of risk
- security holder exclusion
- security requirements
- Seedsmen’s Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance
- segregated cell captive (SCC)
- segregation
- selected tender
- selection
- self-contained policy
- self-insurance
- self-insurance pool
- self-insured retention (SIR)
- self-insurer’s bond
- self-procurement taxes
- self rating
- selling price clause or endorsement
- Senior Claim Law Associate (SCLA)
- separate account
- sequential-cause situation
- service fulfillment insurance
- servicing contractors rider
- settlement lag
- settlement options
- settlement programs
- severability of exclusions
- severability of interests clause
- severability provision in D&O applications
- several liability
- severance pay
- severity
- sexual abuse exclusion
- sexual harassment
- share reinsurance
- share repurchases
- Sharpe ratio
- shortfall risk
- short-rate cancellation
- shrinking limits defense provision
- Side A coverage
- Side A-only coverage
- Side B coverage
- sidecar reinsurance
- Side C coverage
- sidetrack agreement
- signaling capital
- significant deviation
- silica
- silo factor
- simulation risk modeling method (often called Monte Carlo method)
- Single entity coverage
- single-entry, multichannel interface (SEMCI)
- single interest insurance
- single-owner captive
- single-parent captive
- single premium insurance
- single state registration system (SSRS)
- sinkhole collapse
- sistership liability exclusion
- size class
- slabbed
- slander
- sleep insurance
- sliding scale
- sliding scale commission
- sliding scale dividend
- slip
- small quantity generator
- soft costs coverage
- soft market
- soft target
- solicitor
- solvency margin
- solvency ratio
- sophisticated insured
- source revelation provisions
- spamming
- Spearin doctrine
- special acceptance
- special causes of loss form (ISO)
- special crime insurance
- special damages
- special employer
- special flood hazard areas (SFHA)
- special investigative unit (SIU)
- special litigation committee (SLC)
- special mobile equipment
- special or specialty risks
- Special Personal Auto Policy (SPAP)
- special purpose vehicle (SPV)
- specialty risks
- special waiver
- specifications
- specific excess insurance
- specific limits
- specific loss limit
- specific rating
- specified causes of loss coverage
- specified perils coverage
- speculative risk
- speed to market
- split dollar plans
- sponsor
- sponsored captive
- spousal coverage
- spousal coverage extension
- spread loss reinsurance
- spread of risk
- spread sectors
- sprinkler leakage coverage
- SR-22
- stabilization reserve
- stacking
- staff model HMO
- stair stepping
- stamp duty
- stand-alone terrorism coverage
- standard deviation
- standard exceptions
- standard fire policy (SFP) jurisdictions
- standard form or standard policy
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
- standard premium
- standard property policy (ISO)
- stare decisis
- stat card
- State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
- state funds
- State Implementation Plans (SIP)
- statement blank
- static risk modeling
- statistical method
- statute of limitations
- statute of repose
- statutory accounting principles (SAP)
- statutory capital
- statutory coverages
- statutory inspections
- statutory insurance
- statutory law
- stay of proceedings
- stevedores legal liability coverage
- stevedoring
- stipulation
- stochastic dominance
- stock captive
- stock company
- stock option
- stock option claims
- stop gap endorsement
- stop loss
- stop-loss reinsurance (SLR)
- storekeepers broad form
- storekeepers burglary and robbery policy
- storm surge
- Stowers Doctrine
- straight life policy
- strategic risk
- strategic risk management
- strict liability
- strike coverage
- strike price
- strikes, riots, and civil commotions (SR&CC) warranty
- strike-through clause
- structural risk modeling methods
- structured finance
- structured settlement
- subbroker
- subcontractor default insurance
- subcontractor exception
- subguard insurance
- subject business
- subjective symptoms
- subject of insurance
- subject policies
- subject premium
- sublimit
- submission
- Subpart F income
- subpoena
- subpoena duces tecum
- subprime loans
- subrogation
- subrogation provision
- subrogation release
- subrogation waiver
- subsidence
- substandard
- substitute physician coverage endorsement
- “sudden and accidental”
- sue and labor clause
- summary judgment
- summons
- sump pump
- Superfund
- superintendent of insurance
- superseded surety rider
- supervision coverage
- supplemental extended reporting period (SERP)
- supplementary employee retirement plan (SERP)
- supplementary payments
- surety
- surety bond
- surplus
- surplus line
- surplus lines broker
- surplus lines insurance
- surplus notes
- surplus reinsurance
- surplus relief
- surplus share
- surrender
- survey
- survival action
- suspension of coverage endorsement
- swap
- swaption
- syndicate
- system safety approach
- systems performance insurance
- 10/10 Rule
- T3 Lloyd’s Form
- tail
- tail coverage
- Tail Value at Risk (Tail VaR) or Tail Conditional Expectation (TCE)
- targeted enterprise risk insurance (TERI)
- targeted tender
- target risk
- tariff
- tax acceleration
- tax factor
- tax harmonization
- tax interruption coverage
- tax multiplier
- tax opinion insurance
- Tax Reform Act (TRA)
- Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 (TAMRA)
- technique of operations review (TOR) system
- technology errors and omissions insurance (Tech E&O)
- telecommuting
- telemedicine
- Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA)
- temporary partial disability
- temporary total disability
- tender of defense
- tender offer defense expense
- terminal coverage
- terminal operator
- termination
- term life insurance
- terrorism
- terrorism endorsement
- terrorism insurance
- Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA)
- Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act (TRIEA)
- Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA)
- tertiary beneficiary
- testing coverage
- test modifier
- that particular part
- theft, disappearance, and destruction of money and securities coverage form C
- thermal pollution
- third party
- third-party administrator (TPA)
- third-party claims
- third-party liability coverage
- third-party lien
- third-party-over action
- third-party risk
- threshold
- threshold level
- threshold limit value (TLV)
- tie-in endorsements
- time element insurance
- time element loss
- time series analysis
- time value of money
- timing risk
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- tolling a statute of limitations
- tontine
- tool and die floater
- tort
- tortfeasor
- tort threshold
- total disability
- total insurable value (TIV)
- total insured value provision
- total pollution exclusion
- toxic tort
- tradable risk
- trade disruption insurance
- trade dress
- trade libel
- trading loss coverage
- trailer interchange insurance
- tranche
- transfer of risk
- transfer pricing
- transit coverage
- transitional duties
- transportation expenses
- travel agents E&O insurance
- travel insurance
- treaty
- treaty reinsurance
- trend analysis
- trend factor
- trespasser
- trial court
- trip lease
- trip permit
- trip transit insurance
- triple excess coverage
- triple trigger theory
- truckers downtime insurance
- truckers policy
- truckload (TL)
- trust agreement
- trust department errors and omissions (E&O) coverage
- trustee
- trust fund
- twisting
- uberrimae fidae
- ultimate loss
- ultimate net loss
- ultra vires acts
- umbrella liability policy
- unaffiliated business
- unallocated benefit
- unallocated loss adjustment expenses (ULAE)
- unauthorized insurer
- unbundling
- unconditional settlement clause
- unconscious bias
- underground property damage
- underinsurance
- underinsured motorists (UIM) coverage
- underlyers
- underlying coverage
- underlying interest
- underlying premium
- underwriter
- underwriting
- underwriting agency
- underwriting capacity
- underwriting cash flow
- underwriting class
- underwriting cycle
- underwriting expense
- underwriting guidelines
- underwriting manager
- underwriting member
- underwriting period
- underwriting profit
- underwriting risk
- underwriting year experience
- undue hardship
- unearned premium (UEP)
- unearned premium reserve
- unearned reinsurance premium
- unfunded retention
- unfunded self-insurance
- Unified Carrier Registration Agreement (UCRA)
- Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994
- uniform resource locator (URL)
- Uniform Task Based Management System (UTBMS)
- unilateral contract
- unilateral extended reporting period provision
- unimpaired surplus
- uninsured motorist (UM) coverage
- unit statistical card
- universal life insurance
- unplanned retention
- unrelated business
- unrelated business income tax (UBIT)
- unrelated risk
- unreported claims
- unseaworthiness
- unusual expenses
- upset coverage
- use and occupancy insurance
- U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act
- utility service interruption coverage
- utilization review
- vacancy permit endorsement
- vacancy provision
- valuable papers and records coverage
- valuation
- valuation date
- value-added services
- value-at-risk (VAR)
- valued business interruption coverage
- valued coverage
- value of risk (VOR)
- value reporting form
- values
- vanishing premium
- variable annuity
- variable interest entity (VIE)
- variable life insurance
- vendors coverage
- vendors dual interest coverage
- vendors endorsement
- vendors single interest coverage
- venturi scrubbers
- venue
- verbal threshold
- vermin
- vertical exhaustion rule
- vessel in navigation
- vesting
- vexatious litigant
- viatical settlement
- vicarious liability
- Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA)
- vis major
- vocational rehabilitation
- void
- voidable
- voluntary compensation endorsement
- voluntary compensation maritime coverage endorsement
- Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA)
- voluntary market
- voluntary reserve
- Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
- Volunteer Protection Act of 1997
- voyage clause
- WA
- WA 3%
- wage & hour claims
- wages, maintenance, and cure
- waiting period deductible
- waiver
- waiver of inventory
- waiver of premium
- waiver of recourse endorsement
- waiver of subrogation
- warehouse operators legal liability insurance
- warehouse to warehouse clause
- warehousing
- war exclusion
- WARN Act Exclusion
- warrant
- warranty
- war risk clause
- war risk insurance
- Warsaw Convention
- waste load allocation
- waterborne equipment exclusion
- water quality-based limitations
- water quality-based permit
- water quality standards
- weapon of mass destruction (WMD)
- wedding insurance
- weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
- weighted average loss forecasting
- welfare and pension plan bond coverage
- well control insurance
- wellness program
- wet methods
- wharfinger legal liability coverage
- whistleblower claim
- whistleblower statutes
- whole life insurance
- wholesale agent
- wholesale broker
- wholesale health insurance
- wholesale insurance
- wind or hail deductible
- window plan
- with average (WA)
- with average 3 percent (WA 3%)
- without prejudice
- with prejudice
- work hardening
- workers compensation
- workers compensation and employers liability policy
- workers compensation catastrophe cover
- Workers’ Compensation Claim Law Associate (WCLA)
- Workers’ Compensation Claim Law Specialist (WCLS)
- working layer
- workmanship exclusion
- workplace tort
- workplace violence insurance
- worldwide insurance program
- wrap-around policy
- wrap-around risk financing program
- wrap-up
- wrap-up exclusion endorsement
- writ
- write
- Write-Your-Own (WYO) Program
- written premium
- wrongful act
- wrongful death claim
- wrongful termination